Posted by : Admin Sunday, 28 January 2018

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This app is the perfect timer for your workouts. It offers a clear visibility on the clock from far away as well as a simple and beautiful design. 

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Workout timer : Crossfit WODs & TABATA

It is particularly oriented towards crossfit and its type of training (wods) with weights, kettlebells and bodyweight exercises. However you don't need to do crossfit to use this timer, it is also good for other types of training such as running intervals, calisthenics (plank and other static holds) any type of stretching and even regular gym sessions where you need to time your resting periods.

There are 5 different modes of timers:

- FOR TIME: As fast as possible for time
This is a stopwatch that goes up until you stop it (the workout is done) or you reach the time cap or the specified number of rounds.

- AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible
This is a timer that counts down until the time is expired. You set the time during which you want to exercise and it counts down until it reaches zero.

- EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute
This timer will count down every interval you set for the number of rounds you provide. The interval can be changed, it can be an EMOM or E3MOM for example.

- TABATA: - High Intensity Intervals training (HIIT) - Circuit training:
This mode will alternate between work time and rest time for the specified number of rounds. You can configure the work and rest intervals and the total number of rounds. It is ideal for cardio workouts such as x mins ON and x sec off.

- CUSTOM: Creates your own custom timer sequences
This mode allows you to create your own sequence of workout time and exercise time. It's useful if the EMOM or TABATA ones are not flexible enough. Perfect for conditioning or cardio wods!

You can pause the clock at any time and resume the workout you were doing if you need to take a water break or maybe adjusting the weights.

This app also works in background and allows you to get notified of new intervals or simply keep track of the time with a notification when your phone is locked.

Workout timer also offers:

- A countdown before any clocks starts so you have time to set up your exercise and jump on that rower or bike!
- Round counter for the FOR TIME and AMRAP modes so you can keep track of how many rounds you have done so far (no need for poker chips anymore) and the split times for every round.
- You get notified 3 seconds in advance when the new round is about to start (in EMOM, TABATA and CUSTOM) so you can get ready for it. When a new interval is coming, the clock will change color so you can see it from far away.
- Huge digits in landscape mode so you can see it from far away while lifting weights.

This interval timer is suited for any kind of sports and is particularly relevant for high-intensity interval training like crossfit wods

you can get notified very easily while working out (when the workout starts, when a new interval is about to start, when the workout ends) with:

- A clock sound (pretty much like a real crossfit clock )
- A phone vibration - useful when doing running intervals and holding your phone for example
- A flashlight blink signal every round (android 6.0+) - useful when your phone is far away and you can't put the sound on for example

Happy training and good wods with your new wod timer!

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Apps Screenshots:

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Requires Android : 4.4 and up

What's New (Updated - January 16, 2018)

v2.1.2 [Ad Free] APK
- Added the number of rounds left for the TABATA and CUSTOM modes so you can see where you are in the workout without having to do the math with intervals left
- Possibility to enable the display of the total number of intervals and rounds in the settings
- Upon updates users were losing their saved data (saved custom sequences for example were gone), this won't happen in the future
This app has no advertisements
ADFREE version Unlocked | Analytics disabled

Download Size : 9.66 MB(APK)

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