Posted by : Admin Monday 14 October 2019

If you're the kind that allows you to annoy the noisy computers, you can console yourself with two things. One is that you are not alone, but it's true to say a small consolation. A far better news is that this is something you, in many cases can do something with myself. Traditionally, there have been many opportunities to reduce the noise on desktop computers, but fortunately there are also a number of techniques that work on laptops. The majority of the population today are choosing a laptop model when the piggy bank to be sacrificed to the gods data. And the following five tricks will give you a hand for the noisy laptop.

Trick 1: Smarter location

If the surrounding temperature is low, the air flowing through your laptop more efficient cooling, which in turn means that the fans do not need to work as hard. We are talking here not about to sit in the basement, but to avoid excessively hot areas. It could be to place the computer in the sun or wear it on the table over the heater.

Trick 2: Leave your PC breathe

When we think location is also important that the computer can "breathe". Most laptop draws air from underneath, so if, for example, uses it in bed or other soft surface, this could prevent free airflow and good cooling. This usually gets the fans to enter the booming, which means more noise.

Trick 3: Keep it clean

Related to previous point is dust and dirt in the air intake or air channels, which, like a duvet will give your beloved portable breathing problems. In addition to a flat surface for cleaning the machine is thus an index. For portable attaches itself like dust and dirt around the air intake and exhaust grill. This prevents good air flow or providing inferior cooling capabilities. It can lead to a damaged or broken fan, which can easily become expensive on a laptop.

Trick 4: External cooling

Are you especially love to sit with the laptop on your lab, you may have already got their eyes for a tripod or "plates" made ​​just for this . In addition to the laptop some breathing room are some of these also equipped with a special silent fans provide additional cooling, and this may be preferable to a hasty laptop fan on full spin.

Trick 5: Replace the hard drive

There are more than noisy fans - including hard disks can be a sad source of noise. Especially older drives can make a section out of themselves in terms of hiss, chirping and knatring. Have you already an old and tired disk, but still a perfectly good laptop, you can win in different ways by simply replacing the disk. Newer hard drives make noise because not only smaller than their predecessors, they can also ensure that you get much better disk performance.If you have plenty of money, a SSD be preferable to a conventional hard drive. These are both very quiet and considerably faster, but also costs more.

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queenie, I am a girl who likes to read news and pay attention to the electronic news. In my free time, I'd like to surf the Internet to look through if there is any new electronic products. And is one of my favorite sites. I can know much electronic products such as battery.

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