Posted by : Admin Saturday, 16 November 2019

The Internet is here to stay. It affects every part of life including the social and business aspects. This is where online reputation management becomes a necessary tool to make sure that you are aware of what is going on with your reputation. Reputation management is about maintaining what is going on with you and having some control over your presence on the Web.

Google+ Gives You Control over Your Online Reputation with hangout, circles and more.

Google+ is one way to have that control. The services offered by them gives you options for controlling who is in your circle and who you would like to share information with such as videos, photos, links, etc. There are three steps to the process. Set up your profile and then create your circles to start sharing. This allows you the means to control your online reputation.

In creating your profile, you set up the basic information that you want to share. Add other information about yourself and then set your privacy levels. The last step in creating your profile is very important. Privacy settings allow you to control that sees beyond your basic profile. You get to choose who will photo tag you, who comment on your posts and who will send you notifications.

Creating your circles is very important in controlling your online reputation. You get to make sure that the right people see the right things. You are able to monitor who sees what and that is a great feature of Google+. This feature allows you to set what your friends see specifically and what your employer can see specifically.

The promotion of Google+ is that you share. Whether sharing involves videos, links or chats, the goal is to have great conversations. You can respond to posts by sharing or adding others to an ongoing conversation by forwarding posts.

Google+ has other features that help you have a rewarding experience. You can add tags in the photo section to images of you with others. This is a great feature for family and friends. There is an option to turn on “find my face.” This lets others add tag of you.

Hangouts is an application on Google+ that allows you to add up to nine people in a video chat session. This is great asset when you want to communicate with more than one person and generate lots of fun.
Social networking has become an integral a part of our culture. Whether the social networking is for business or pleasure, Google+ does give you the opportunity to manage that part of your online presence. As the social networking medium becomes larger and larger in the culture of today, the more instrumental it becomes in affecting and influencing lives.

This means that you want to take advantage of a tool that gives you the opportunity to manage your online reputation. With a tool like Google+, you can do just that. The advantage of arranging your communication circles and what information gets shared with whom is great stride in the right direction for using social networking.

As a matter of fact, the more the medium continues to grow, more and more personal information is collected about you. Google+ allows you to be the navigator in this forum. The more control you have over who sees what regarding you, the better control you have over your online reputation.

Since social networking is a very active part of life now, it is important to seek out tools that help maintain and control your online reputation. Google+ is one such tool. The option to share what you want and need to rather than having someone else have the control is what makes Google+ a great choice.
While online reputations have pluses and minuses, the big plus is you having control over yours. Applications will continue to be developed and fine tuned in this respect and the necessary thing will always be the ability to control and manage your online reputation.

As a Blogger I find Google+ a great tool for Business. Google+ for business is far better than others due to its seo value and many other factors.
Recommended Post: Google+ is Better for Business

You can check out all the features of Google+ and make a decision as to what you want to share. Whether your choice is for business or pleasure, the application is a good place to share. More than anything protection of your online presence is in your hands.

Author Profile:
Barry Woolley is a social media expert dedicated in writing articles related to social media, internet marketing, online reputation management, blogging and other internet related topics. He always wanted to share his knowledge with people interested in the same field. Barry started teaching social media topics in some Universities around Stockton, California and still continuous talking on other Universities until today.

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