Posted by : Admin Saturday, 16 November 2019

Google Photos adds Stories like Private Archive called Memories

Tech Giant Google has added a new feature to its Google Photos called "Memories" to help users rediscover old images straight from the app looks similar to the "stories" which are most popular with the "Snapchat" or "Instagram".
Google by a Blog Post on Thursday,  
"We are using Machine Learning to curate what appears in Memories, so you don`t have to parse through many duplicate shots, and you can instead reflect on the best ones, where the photos have good quality and all the kids are smiling," 

Google Machine Learning

As the latest tech developments in Machine Learning, the Tech Giant Google wants to utilize the Machine Learning for all its apps, as a part of this google rolled out adding "Stories"-like Private Archive called "Memories" to its Google Photos. The photos are curated using machine learning to discover photos that are probably meaningful and are of good quality. Helpfully, Google realizes that not all the photos we have are worth bringing back up so users have the ability to hide certain time periods or even certain people. If you can't remember exactly the date or occasion, you can even search for text in the photo. Google used the example of trying to find a photo of a carrot cake recipe and literally just searching for words in the recipe. If you don't necessarily care about Memories, you can shut the feature off.
The US search giant has already rolled out a new Artificial Intelligence feature to its Lens platform that would allow users to search for their Google Photos library for the text that appears within images.

With this, users would be able to copy text from the images and paste them in a word document or notes. This works on both the Android and iOS apps, as well as the web client.

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