Posted by : Admin Friday, 11 October 2019

The function that Android Pie takes!

The new Android Pie update to the Galaxy S9 has lifted a storage function for some users!

Android 9 Pie

The Android Pie update appeared to remove the Galaxy S9 and the Adaptive Storage (Adoptable Storage) function in Galaxy S9 Plus. This function was included in the previously leaked Android Pie software, but it didn't work.

Android Pie Update

Tip: How to navigate the Internet without a trace? The Adaptive Storage function was first introduced to Android with Android Marshmallow . The purpose of the function was to expand the internal storage space by using a microSD card.

Android Pie Download

Your microSD card was formatted for this. The reason Samsung removes the function is that the function is used in lower level devices, according to Sammobile. Because storage space on lower-level phones is often limited, expanding it can make your life easier.

Android Pie Features and Android Pie Review

Expanding the application downloadable space with microSD might not be as good as the actual internal storage space, but it could still be offered by Samsung. Budget-friendly Samsung phones updated to Pie can offer this functionality, but we'll be able to see it in the coming months.

Android 9 Pie, Android Pie Update, Android Pie Download, Android Pie Features, Android Pie Size Gb, Android Pie Review, Android P Download, How Much Space Does Android Pie Take,

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